Ask Storj: Company Goals and Business Targets

June 22, 2018

Q: Can you share some of your corporate goals to help the community see Storj's long-term vision?

A: We have many goals that we use internally to measure our success as a company. We reached over 100 petabytes of data stored on the current iteration of the Storj network. We want to be at least 10 times that by the end of 2019. We want the egress, or bandwidth usage, as a percentage of storage to roughly double. Once we have V3 launched, we'll be providing consistent metrics on a regular basis so the community can gauge our progress. We hope to see payouts-per-farmer go up by roughly a factor of five. With V3, we will also see significant improvements in metrics like file durability and availability. With V3, we should be adding nines to the end of our current metrics.

Another key metric that I'm focused on is economic value that we're creating for a community; and that's economic value for our farmers, but also economic value for people and partners who build platforms on top of Storj. One of the things that really attracted me to this company, having come from two open-source companies prior to this, is our opportunity to provide a meaningful way of monetizing open-source projects. That's something that is fairly difficult to do with traditional clouds. In our case, we want to take a portion of the net revenue (the difference after we pay farmers), and make sure that's available to people who help generate more demand for the system, which are largely open-source projects, like FileZilla. Once we get a firmer handle on what the V3 metrics are in all of those areas, we'll be sharing more.

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—Ben Golub

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