Commercial Storage Node Operator Program

If you have a data center or facility with hundreds of TB or PB of storage and bandwidth capacity, and your facility meets enterprise requirements, you should explore the Commercial Storage Node Operator Program.

Put your available capacity to work.

Storj operates a public network that anyone can join with tens of thousands of nodes in over a hundred countries.  Enterprise customers have workloads that are appropriate for the network, but, for some storage use cases, those enterprise customers need specific types of storage in specific types of facilities.

To serve those customer requirements, Storj created the Commercial Storage Node Operator Program. This program is for large scale storage providers with significant available storage and bandwidth located in enterprise grade facilities.

Read this FAQ to understand how the Commercial Node Program is different than the public node network.

Who it's for

  • Operators with large amounts of existing underutilized capacity

  • Operators with fully depreciated operational hardware that is in storage or offline

  • Operators with access to low cost storage hardware


  • Commercial Storage Node Agreement with Storj

  • Ability to store larger amounts of data

  • Access to enterprise use cases that require storage in data centers that meet specific criteria - SOC2, ISO 27001, etc.

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Contact us

Join the global storage network.

Fill out the Commercial Storage Node Operator Program form and our team will be in touch.