Say goodbye to compromise.
As you consider the best cloud storage provider for your business, you might be comparing Wasabi or Backblaze to Storj. Wasabi and Backblaze are both less expensive than Amazon S3, but recent price increases have customers reconsidering. Storj provides an even more cost-effective and more performant solution by utilizing globally distributed cloud storage.
Is free egress really free?
See how Storj compares and how traditional cloud storage pricing stacks up against each other.
Compare real world performance.
What performance are you seeing from your cloud storage provider? Storj customers get consistently fast downloads of up to 5,000 Mb/s from anywhere. Performance is not anchored to a single regional data center. You can see the comparison to AWS S3 in the first chart and real customer data in the second.

Mean download times of a 954 MB object in Storj vs. S3 US-West-2 standard

Download events of Storj customers showing performance over distance
Wasabi and Backblaze can't match the speed and consistency you'll get from Storj

Compare global replication verses regional replication.
You don’t need multi-region storage with Storj. Whether for performance or to lower security risks, Storj has you covered with global distribution of your data across tens of thousands of storage nodes in over 100 countries. And we do this by default, at no extra cost to you.