We hope you are having a great start to the year!. We’ve been working hard to create new resources and communications to further elevate our transparency with you. Part of these initiatives was creating a product roadmap to give you and our community more insight into what our development team will be working on - in both the short and long term - as well as the ability for you to provide input and feedback on those activities. Stay tuned for more information!
Right now, we are attending ETH Denver. We are looking forward to doing some hacking with the rest of the ETH community at the conference and hope to see you there!
Did you know that Storj DCS was designed with the environment in mind? Learn more about all our initiatives around becoming the greenest storage platform in the world.
Upcoming Feature - The Redesigned Project Dashboard
You have asked us for more data visualizations around your projects and usage. So we used all that great input to redesign the project dashboard!. Take a ‘first look’ at what the new dashboard will look like. We are working on finishing it up and it should be released this month.
We were recently added to the Web3 Index which reports on the demand-side fees being paid into Web3 networks - showcasing real usage.
Recently Added Features:
- We enabled a monthly per segment fee for all users. The per-segment fee is $0.0000088 per segment. This fee will not affect most of you. To keep the per segment fee nominal at scale, we suggest packing small files into 64MB or greater.
- Check out our docs to get more information on how objects are broken down into segments.
- Files less than 64MB are one segment. A 1GB (1024MB file) is 16 segments.
- Here is an example of what the per segment fee would look like depending on how much data you store on the network
- 100,000 segments = $0.88
- 1,000,000 segments = $8.80
- To ensure you don’t accidentally upload too many segments, we added per project segment limits. Just like storage and bandwidth limits, you can alway request higher limits or upgrade your account.
- We updated the Node dashboard to include QUIC status. This will help node operators identify if they have configured QUIC correctly.
- We added support for zip files on the link-sharing service so that you can traverse the content in the zip file without having to download it.
- For more information about smaller items we’ve completed in the last month, please look at our change logs: v1.46.3, v1.47.3.
Upcoming Features:
- Enabling stable token deposit addresses and lowering processing fees for Node Operators paying in STORJ by removing any requirement for third-party payment processing.
- Enabling quick and easy data copying via server-side copy implementation improvements.
- For more information about smaller items we’ve completed in the last month, please look at our change logs: v1.46.3, v1.47.3.
- For more information about large items we plan to work on please look at our official roadmap.
For More Information:
- Dive into our code or contribute by visiting our GitHub repository.
Reach out to us by emailing ask@storj.io or through our community forum.