Go Integration Tests with Postgres

March 20, 2023

When writing server side projects in Go, at some point you will also need to test against a database. Let's take a look at different ways of using Postgres with different performance characteristics. The final approach shows how you can set up a clean database in 20ms (there are a few caveats).

We're not going to cover the "how should you use a real database in your tests" debate. At some point you'll need to test your database layer, so, we'll cover those cases.

Using containers

If you have searched a bit on how to set up a clean test environment, you've probably come across github.com/ory/dockertest package. There's also testcontainers for setting up containers. Alternatively, you could even invoke docker as a command and use that. Whichever your poison, the approach will look similar. We'll use dockertest for our examples.

Usually, the first thing you do is set up something to act as the client. With dockertest it means creating a dockertest.Pool. And we need to set it up in our TestMain:

var dockerPool *dockertest.Pool

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
	var err error
	pool, err = dockertest.NewPool("")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)

	// Set a time for our retries. A lower value probably makes more sense.
	pool.MaxWait = 120 * time.Second
	code := m.Run()

If we are writing tests, then using a specific helper is going to be very convenient.

func TestCreateTable(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	WithDatabase(ctx, t, func(t *testing.TB, db *pgx.Conn) {
		_, err := db.Exec(ctx, `
			CREATE TABLE accounts ( user_id serial PRIMARY KEY );
		if err != nil {

func WithDatabase[TB testing.TB](ctx context.Context, tb TB,
test func(t TB, db *pgx.Conn)) {
	// < snip >

This approach creates a docker image and calls test callback whenever it's ready.

The callback based approach is especially helpful if you need to test with multiple backends such as Cockroach and Postgres. In your own codebase you probably would return the data layer interface rather than *pgx.Conn directly. For example:

func TestCreateTable(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	db := NewDatabase(ctx, t)
	_, err := db.Exec(ctx, `
		CREATE TABLE accounts ( user_id serial PRIMARY KEY );
	if err != nil {

func NewDatabase(ctx context.Context, tb testing.TB) *pgx.Conn {
	// create the database resource
	tb.Cleanup(func() {
		err := db.Close(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			tb.Logf("failed to close db: %v", err)
	return conn

A single table migration isn't indicative of a proper database layer, but it's sufficient for seeing the best-case scenario. Adding more tables didn't seem to affect things that much.

Let's get back on track and see how you can implement the first approach. It's should be trivial to convert one to the other:

Let's look at the performance:

Environment Test Time
Threadripper 2950X
Container 2.86s ± 6
M1 Pro
Container 1.63s ±16
Xeon Gold 6226R
Container 2.24s ±10


In most cases, creating a new postgres instance per test isn't necessary. It'll be entirely sufficient to have a database per test. If we have SUPERUSER permissions in postgres we can create them dynamically.

To contrast with the previous approach, let's use a locally installed Postgres instance. This can be helpful, if you want to run tests against a remote database or want to avoid the container startup time.

var pgaddr = flag.String("database", os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL"), "database address")

Let's rewrite the function to create a new database per test:

func WithDatabase[TB testing.TB](ctx context.Context, tb TB, test func(t TB, db *pgx.Conn)) {
	if *pgaddr == "" {
		tb.Skip("-database flag not defined")
	dbaddr := *pgaddr

	// We need to create a unique database name so that our parallel tests don't clash.
	var id [8]byte
	uniqueName := tb.Name() + "/" + hex.EncodeToString(id[:])

	// Create the main connection that we use to create the database.
	maindb, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, dbaddr)
	if err != nil {
		tb.Fatalf("Unable to connect to database: %v", err)

	// Run the database creation query and defer the database cleanup query.
	if err := createDatabase(ctx, maindb, uniqueName); err != nil {
		tb.Fatalf("unable to create database: %v", err)
	defer func() {
		if err := dropDatabase(ctx, maindb, uniqueName); err != nil {
			tb.Fatalf("unable to drop database: %v", err)

	// Modify the connection string to use a different database.
	connstr, err := connstrWithDatabase(dbaddr, uniqueName)
	if err != nil {

	// Create a new connection to the database.
	db, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connstr)
	if err != nil {
		tb.Fatalf("Unable to connect to database: %v", err)
	defer func() { _ = db.Close(ctx) }()

	// Run our test code.
	test(tb, db)

Now for the small utility funcs that we used:

// connstrWithDatabase changes the main database in the connection string.
func connstrWithDatabase(connstr, database string) (string, error) {
	u, err := url.Parse(connstr)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid connstr: %q", connstr)
	u.Path = database
	return u.String(), nil

// createDatabase creates a new database with the specified name.
func createDatabase(ctx context.Context, db *pgx.Conn, name string) error {
	_, err := db.Exec(ctx, `CREATE DATABASE `+sanitizeDatabaseName(name)+`;`)
	return err

// dropDatabase drops the specific database.
func dropDatabase(ctx context.Context, db *pgx.Conn, name string) error {
	_, err := db.Exec(ctx, `DROP DATABASE `+sanitizeDatabaseName(name)+`;`)
	return err

// sanitizeDatabaseName is ensures that the database name is a valid postgres identifier.
func sanitizeDatabaseName(schema string) string {
	return pgx.Identifier{schema}.Sanitize()

The performance looks already significantly better:

Environment Test Time
Threadripper 2950X
Container 2.86s ± 6%
Database 136ms ±12%
M1 Pro
Container 1.63s ±16%
Database 136ms ±12%
Xeon Gold 6226R
Container 2.24s ±10%
Database 135ms ±10%


But, 90ms is still a lot of time per single test. There's one lesser-known approach we discovered in Storj. It's possible to use a schema to create an isolated namespace that can be dropped together.

Creating a new schema is as straightforward as executing `CREATE SCHEMA example;` and dropping `DROP SCHEMA example CASCADE;`. When connecting to the database it's possible to add a connection string parameter `?search_path=example` to execute all queries by default in that schema.

Of course, if you use schemas for other purposes in your system, then this approach may complicate the rest of your code. Similarly, schemas are not as isolated as separate databases.

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, let's take a look at some code:

func WithSchema[TB testing.TB](ctx context.Context, tb TB, test func(t TB, db *pgx.Conn)) {
	if *pgaddr == "" {
		tb.Skip("-database flag not defined")
	dbaddr := *pgaddr

	// We need to create a unique schema name so that our parallel tests don't clash.
	var id [8]byte
	uniqueName := tb.Name() + "/" + hex.EncodeToString(id[:])

	// Change the connection string to use a specific schema name.
	connstr, err := connstrWithSchema(dbaddr, uniqueName)
	if err != nil {
	db, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connstr)
	if err != nil {
		tb.Fatalf("Unable to connect to database: %v", err)
	defer func() { _ = db.Close(ctx) }()

	// Surprisingly, it's perfectly fine to create a schema after connecting with the name.
	if err := createSchema(ctx, db, uniqueName); err != nil {
	defer func() {
		if err := dropSchema(ctx, db, uniqueName); err != nil {

	test(tb, db)

The smaller utilities that make it work:

// connstrWithSchema adds search_path argument to the connection string.
func connstrWithSchema(connstr, schema string) (string, error) {
	u, err := url.Parse(connstr)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid connstr: %q", connstr)
	u.Query().Set("search_path", sanitizeSchemaName(schema))
	return u.String(), nil

// createSchema creates a new schema in the database.
func createSchema(ctx context.Context, db *pgx.Conn, schema string) error {
	_, err := db.Exec(ctx, `CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS`
+ sanitizeSchemaName(schema)+`;`)
	return err

// dropSchema drops the specified schema and associated data.
func dropSchema(ctx context.Context, db *pgx.Conn, schema string) error {
	_, err := db.Exec(ctx, `DROP SCHEMA `+sanitizeSchemaName(schema)+` CASCADE;`)
	return err

// sanitizeSchemaName is ensures that the name is a valid postgres identifier.
func sanitizeSchemaName(schema string) string {
	return pgx.Identifier{schema}.Sanitize()

After running some benchmarks we can see that we've reached ~20ms:

Environment Test Time
Threadripper 2950X
Container 2.86s ± 6%
Database 136ms ±12%
Schema 26.7ms ± 3%
M1 Pro
Container 1.63s ±16%
Database 136ms ±12%
Schema 19.7ms ±20%
Xeon Gold 6226R
Container 2.24s ±10%
Database 135ms ±10%
Schema 29.2ms ±16%

Final tweaks

There's one important flag that you can adjust in Postgres to make it run faster... of course, this should only be used for testing. It's disabling fsync.

The final results of the comparison look like:

Environment Test fsync Time
Threadripper 2950X
Container on 2.86s ± 6%
off 2.82s ± 4%
Database on 136ms ±12%
off 105ms ±30%
Schema on 26.7ms ± 3%
off 20.5ms ± 5%
M1 Pro
Container on 1.63s ±16%
off 1.64s ±13%
Database on 136ms ±12%
off 105ms ±30%
Schema on 19.7ms ±20%
off 18.5ms ±31%
Xeon Gold 6226R
Container on 2.24s ±10%
off 1.97s ±10%
Database on 135ms ±10%
off 74.2ms ±10%
Schema on 29.2ms ±16%
off 15.3ms ±15%

All the tests were run in a container that didn't have persistent disk mounted. The fsync=off would probably have a bigger impact with an actual disk.

So for the conclusion, we looked at three different approaches to creating a clean Postgres environment. The approaches aren't completely equivalent, but use the fastest one that you can.

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