Last Chance to Convert SJCX to STORJ This Year

May 16, 2018

If you are still holding StorjcoinX (SJCX), it’s time to convert the deprecated* coins to STORJ tokens.

On June 29, 2018, Poloniex, the main exchange that supports SJCX, will permanently shut down all withdrawals of SJCX tokens still held by their customers. Poloniex already disabled SJCX trading on October 26, 2017, when they listed our new STORJ token. Starting May 16, we will open the STORJ converter app, located at, for the last time. The last date to request conversion is June 15, and the converter will close on June 30. There may be an opportunity to convert SJCX to STORJ again next year.

Please be careful when you share your conversion information. Scammers have targeted our community via Twitter, email, and other social media. Do not send your SJCX to any BTC address you receive by direct message on RocketChat, reddit, Telegram, or any SJCX deposit address displayed on any social media post sent to you via email. Be careful to check the URL of the converter app and make sure it is the one stated in this post. Start at the official Storj website and click on

To convert tokens from SJCX to STORJ, take the steps described in our STORJ token conversion guide for reference.

—The Storj Team

*SJCX is a deprecated coin, replaced by STORJ, an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. When we made the move from Counterparty to Ethereum, we agreed to do a one for one conversion of existing tokens.

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