Q2 2019 Town Hall Recap

July 15, 2019

Every quarter, we hold a public town hall to give members of our community insights into the progress of the Storj project. There are many different groups that have an interest in Storj: storage node operators, open source contributors, investors, STORJ token holders, employees—and increasingly—developers and partners. We always try to do our best to help all of these different groups gain transparent insight into the progress at Storj Labs. We held our Q2 Storj Town Hall last Wednesday, and the recording can be found on YouTube.

Executive Update from Ben Golub, Storj Labs Executive Chairman and Interim CEO

Over the past year, our team has established a great cadence and we’ve hit all of our milestones, just like the previous quarter. In fact, we’ve hit every milestone on our 2019 roadmap, and we don’t plan on stopping now. We’ve been hyperfocused on building a platform that is Amazon S3 compatible, (highly durable, performant, and resistant to fraud), and has much better economics for users, storage node operators, partners, and Storj Labs. 

We continue to see growing interest from open source companies, systems integrators, and other partners. Several of these partners have petabytes of data ready to send to the Tardigrade network once we reach production, and we expect many more will want to join as well. Indeed, we now have over 10,000 developers on our waiting list as well.

Our biggest milestones to date will be in the coming quarter. Not only are we planning to launch our Pioneer 1 and 2 betas, but by the end of the quarter, we will hopefully be a few weeks away from our production launch. At this point, the gating factor for our releases is now not only code completeness and quality, but also network stability and quality. We’ve established rigorous criteria for our next several releases around availability, durability, performance, node churn, and overall network size. And when we actually start bringing on petabytes of customer data we’ll be offering a truly enterprise-quality experience.

In parallel, we’ve continued to invest in transparency and governance. Our town hall also includes important, regular disclosures to the community on the state of the network and the usage of STORJ tokens.

Everything we’ve achieved is made possible by our passionate, committed community. If you’d like to get involved, stop by our new community forum and see what we’ve been up to. You can also contribute to code, host a meetup, or just stay up to date by following us on your favorite social media channel. We thank you for your continued trust, dedication, and support.

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