Storj Awarded Grant Funding to Help Advance Storj Technology

January 19, 2017

We’re excited to announce that Storj is one of 20 grant recipients selected by the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) to help advance our technology development. The funding is part of a grant program hosted by the GOED’s Technology Commercialization and Innovation Program (TCIP).

We are extremely honored and grateful to have been accepted into the GOED's TCIP and selected among more than 180 grant applications! From Storj’s first visit in Utah to growing our team and business in this region, we’ve received nothing but support from the State of Utah.

In addition to the financial grant, Storj will now have access to mentorship opportunities and entrepreneurial curriculum that helps further our business. You can find more information on the TCIP grant program and learn about the other grant recipients in an announcement made by the GOED today.

This is an exciting way to kick off 2017, and we’re looking forward to what the rest of the year has to offer.

Be the cloud!

Shawn Wilkinson
CEO/CTO of Storj Labs Inc.

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