Test Group B - 1PB Milestone Reached!

September 22, 2015

Dear Storj Supporters,

We are thrilled to announce that we have now reached 1 PB of storage on our network in just about a month. We have now completed the all 3 initial milestones for Test Group B. We’ve rewarded participants with over 145,000 SJCX so far! A big thank you goes to our community for the help provided so far; without you this wouldn’t have been possible.

In a few hours we will take a snapshot and distribute 100,000 SJCX in rewards for the third milestone. We are working diligently on adding farmer uptime, and audits so we can distribute rewards more fairly. Once these features are complete we will distribute the remaining 900,000 SJCX throughout the month.

If you haven’t already joined Test Group B, you can find a step-by-step guide to our client software here. If you are running a version linked in a previous email, an upgrade is mandatory to receive a reward. Users who did not participate in the crowdsale will soon be able to contribute SJCX to the rewards pool, and receive rewards. Details to follow in a future email.

Thank you for being part of Test Group B! Please continue the testing and enjoy the rewards!

Have a great day,
The Storj Team

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