Test Group B: 2 PB Milestone Reached!

January 26, 2016

Dear Storj Supporters,

We are thrilled to announce that we have now reached 2 PB of storage on our network, with over 750 testers. This is an incredible achievement for us; we are looking forward to grow capacity further.

We’ve rewarded participants with about 650,000 SJCX so far! A big thank you goes to our community for the help and support provided. Without you this wouldn’t have been possible. 

We still have about 400,000 SJCX to distribute for Test Group B. If you haven’t already joined, you can find a step-by-step guide to our client software here.

We are preparing the launch of Test Group C which will allow us to test file transfers on the P2P network including latency, bandwidth, throughput and more. Development is progressing at a great pace; DriveShare v0.5 has been well received by the community and our developers are striving to deliver the next phase. Stay tuned for more info.

Thank you for being part of Test Group B! Please continue testing, and enjoy the rewards!

Have a great day,
The Storj Team

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